The scientific goal of this project is to design high-quality new materials both in the form of crystals and as well-characterized heterostructures and to determine their topological electronic and magnetic properties in detail. This will be done with photoelectron spectroscopy and transport measurements in conjunction with theoretical state-of-the-art modeling. This effort combines the expertise and specialized equipment of both partners in materials synthesis and growth, characterization and measurement techniques, and theoretical modeling.
Structural aims of the Ukrainian-German Excellence Center:
- Regular exchange of people and scientific content between Dresden and Ukraine.
- Involvement of excellent Ukrainian students and lecturers in the education of Master students and PhD students in Dresden.
- Numerous joint publications of the scientific work initiated by this project and attraction of international research projects in the future, in particular in HORIZON 2020.
- Strengthening research opportunities on topology in condensed matter in Ukraine with targeted measures.
- Common supervision concepts and degrees as well as a scholarship system, which provides for longer research stays of Ukrainian master and PhD students as well as PostDocs at the IFW.