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Data Privacy Statement

We are pleased that you are interested in our organization. The protection of your privacy when using our website is important to us. Please note the following information in that regard:

Anonymous data collection
As a matter of principle, you can visit the UKRATOP website without telling us who you are. All we find out is the name of your internet service provider, the website from which you are visiting us and the pages of our website that you view. This information is analysed for statistical purposes. You, the individual user, remain anonymous.

Collection and processing of personal data
Since the purpose of our website is purely to provide information to customers, no personal data is collected.

Data export and processing in countries outside the European Economic Area
Since no personal data is collected, none is exported to countries outside the European Economic Area.

Using and passing on personal data
Since no personal data is collected on our informational website, none is used or passed on.

External links
To provide you with optimal information, our website contains links to third-party sites. Insofar as links of this kind are not obviously recognisable, we point out that they are external links. UKRATOP and the IFW Dresden have no influence on the content and design of other providers’ websites. Therefore, the guarantees in this data protection statement naturally do not apply to those sites.